Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Healing Journey

This picture represents a place of deep connection to land, the souls spiritual journey: beginning & end.
This picture represents a power symbol that can be used to journey deep into ones soul. The symbol of the eye represents the all-seeing eye, the center of the soul.

The snake represents the creator's energy, healing & protection on your life's journey.
As we encounter our spiritual journey, we are in need of much recuperation & soul healing.

Copyright © by Mirree and all rights reserved by the Artist.

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Monday, November 12, 2012

Sacred Flame Fire of Pure Heart

Here is a FREE meditation for you all, while you light your candle in honor of The Festival of Lights (Diwali) & the Solar Eclipse for love~oneness.
Have a wonderful few days!
"Sacred Flame Fire of Pure Heart"
Concentrate on the center where the spiral begins, gaze gently for several minutes breathing deeply in and out again, as you do this slowly travel down the spiral feeling the inward and outward movement of this spiral of life. This is the very core and center of your being,

your heart. Feel your hearts movement as it begins to awaken opening you up like a beautiful blossoming flower. Love is unconditional, (no conditions) giving & receiving in balance. Can you feel the burning desire as it lights the fire from within in you. The heart dwells within the oneness of creation and lies deep within this Sacred Flame Fire.

Copyright © by Mirree and all rights reserved by the Artist.

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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Spiritual Body of Water

"Spiritual Body of Water"
This picture speaks about a deep connection to the sea and the process of opening up to this connection for understanding, healing and nurturing. The color purple represents spiritual lessons, experience and wisdom.

The white dots are the message of water, energy and life. The spiral of life is the reflection that nature has upon us. The color orange are the emotions and the turquoise is the depth of the sea, indicating that the emotions run deep. The hidden sea gives relief from deep held emotions and eventual release from within.

Copyright © by Mirree and all rights reserved by the Artist.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Seed of Life

"Seed of Life" Deep within Mother contains the seed of life from which each one of us grows within the Dreamtime of Creation. Mother looks after us and is apart of us and so in looking after ourselves, we look after her. 

We are connected, we are one with her and her nurturing energy. Within us we hold the seed of Mother and through the Seed of Creation we are connected, we create our inner and outer world. Through Mother we grow into the infinite beings that we are, Mother holds within the memory: The Dreamtime of Creation.  

 Copyright © by Mirree and all rights reserved by the Artist.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Family Songlines

 Copyright © by Mirree and all rights reserved by the Artist.

Following journey lines means: traveling the tracks within country that maybe connected to places we have been before like our hometown: where we grew up or places we are visiting for the 1st time, SO we can re-learn , re-live or remember our experiences from before OR to learn new ones to enrich and further expand our experience.....
These tracks are our spiritual connection that are buried deep within country and connect to the heart-beat of Mother Earth, knowledge of the land, their animals and those of family that have lived before. The purpose of the lines is to gain further knowledge through passing on the ancient ways of the land and in many cases healing for self, the land, culture and for others so that they may open themselves up to the understanding of the dreaming.

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Owl Dreaming

"Owl Dreaming" this ones a back and white version. Have you ever wondered what they represent, Owls are nocturnal and have excellent night vision, this enables them to see their prey from great distances away. The Owl is one of my totems and is a favorite of mine.

  Copyright © by Mirree and all rights reserved by the Artist.

Is there anything you need to look at very closely (that may not be necessarily easy to find) that needs to expire or die in your life. It always helps me to re-valuate any situations, people or events in my life that no longer serve me. The Owl is a soulful bird that carries you through the transformation your about to make with dignity, pride and true character in plight. Don't take for granted what you cannot see in order to get a quick fix. Contact Mirree Louise Bayliss for more...

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